
All posts tagged Reflection

Target Audience Feedback (Between Rough Cut and Final Piece)

Published January 3, 2014 by coopersmedia

In between our rough cut and final music video, we request some feedback from our target audience (young people aged 15-30) to get their opinion on what they liked about our video. Here is some feedback we gained from a 17 year old girl who is a member of our sixth-form and also an ex-media student. We thought this would be helpful as her expertise would really allow her to be critical of media techniques such as pace of editing and camera movement. We were really pleased with her comments. Upon watching the video again, she sent a further text explaining that in the section where the camera is held at a mid-shot of the artist and her friends laughing (1:16), the camera is a little unsteady. We have since corrected this by using a different clip when the camera is held at a much steadier angle, thus improving the quality of our video.

amelia 1

amelia 2

The Editing Process – Adobe Premier Pro

Published December 2, 2013 by coopersmedia

We are currently editing the indoor scene for our music video on Adobe Premier Pro. We feel confident in the software we are using and believe it is giving our music video a higher quality finish than a more basic software such as iMovie would do. As well as using Adobe for the basic features of our video such as cutting clips, we also intend to use more sophisticated aspects of the programme such as colour filters and in certain places we have used a small amount of slow-mo in order for our shots to fit the time frame. Using this programme has allowed us to be very critical of our shots and we have consequently scheduled several reshoots in order to allow our video to be to the highest possible standard.


Reflection Upon Filming Outside

Published December 2, 2013 by coopersmedia

Overall we were happy with how our shoot went outside, however due to forces beyond our control such as the weather, an additional shoot is needed to get our final shots. We feel that we have no captured the shots that perhaps were the trickiest such as the use of sparklers which proved very unpredictable! Upon reflection, we now need to make sure we capture the performance aspect of our video as well as filming some extra atmospheric shots of the party. I have already devised a shooting script in order to make sure we are efficient when filming and our actors aren’t standing around for too long! Overall we are happy with the lighting we used which was an initial worry of ours and shall keep our three point lighting system the same when reshooting. We felt that the clarity of our shots was good and the additional sources of light such as the fairy lights and the sparklers worked well illuminating our subjects whilst still being atmospheric. We were also happy with the performance from our actors who we felt looked natural in most of our shots and thus this has given our video a sense of realism, something we hope to bridge when re-filming. Below are some shots that we feel worked particularly well with the lighting structure we had in place:

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Animatic Reflection:

Published October 23, 2013 by coopersmedia

Upon reflection of our animatic, we decided that we priotised the following elements:

1. Communication within the group

We rated our time management strongly and was efficient in arranging who could meet who outside of lesson time and although not all of us could be at every meeting, we deligated tasks to ensure it was finished on time and all group memebers contibuted the same amount. Our main means of communication was via text message as it was the easiest and quickest way of getting into contact with one another. We felt that this was the most imporant element because without it, our anamatic would potentially have been uncompleted and to a standard lower than we aim to achieve.

2. Editing

After recieving feedback on our animatic from our peers and Mr Dunford, we found out that editing was most definately one of the strengths of our animatic for example, they mentioned that it was very well cut to the beat of our song and was good how it changed in pace as the song differed in tempo. In order to edit our animatic, we used to means of iMovie due to the idea that it is user friendly thus allowing us to accurately edit to the beat of the song. As we progress into the making of our final product, we plan to use a more sophisticated piece of software that will allow us to achieve a more profesional finish to our music video.

3. Camera Work

Camera work was not one of our priorities during the making of our animatic as we felt that editing was a signifcant part of the animatic. However we have included the basic elements of camera work as shown during the introduction of the video, but upon relfection and feedback from class memebers we are planning to return to our storyboard and discuss and refine any shots where we feel that camera work will work nicely. As a group, we feel that we have used a variety of camera shots and angles which will make it engaging for the audience. We have also considered the effect the camera work will have in terms of promoting our artist so therefore, have used frequent close-ups and mid shots in order to do this.

4. Mis-en-scene

During the making of our animatic we did not spend a lot of time debating the mis-en-scene of the shots as we had already discussed this when we were building our initial idea and we already had a clear idea of where each section of the video would be set. We had also previously discussed the costume of our artist and extras when we had discussed the genre of our music video after choosing our song. In order to have a clear idea of what costumes and props we will need we had also previously made a list of all the things we will need to complete our video.

5. Location

When we started our animatic, the locations were the thing we were most sure of before we began. This is because after choosing our song and coming up with the initial idea for our video, we had a clear list of locations we would need and therefore when completing our animatic we only had to decide exactly what would happen in each location. However, whilst completing our animatic we did add one small section in an allyway leading to a sidegate which was not a location we had initially included. This shot only lasts a few seconds and does not effect our overall idea. We thought we needed to add the shot to keep the continuity of our videos narrative and show the progression of our artists story.